Welcome to our 2010 Conference on Arctic Ice and Snow Roads – Advancements and Future Needs. Arctic transportation networks are critical to resource
development on the North Slope. Ice and snow roads are used for all aspects of resource development, including maintaining
pipeline infrastructure in current oil fields and exploration in emerging oil and gas fields across the North Slope.
This conference has been brought together by a cooperative effort from leading state and federal agencies, industry,
and professional societies. Some of the topics covered will include best management practices, current research projects,
safety, techniques to extend ice road operating seasons and other topics of interest to all of those interested in Arctic
transportation and resulting resource development efforts. Our conference goal is to bring together industry, professionals,
construction firms, regulators, community representatives and NGO’s to exchange information, find solutions for common
problems and identify future needs. Please Register Early as space will be limited (150 total seating) for those who wish to attend the meeting.
We will also have a portion of the meeting available online for those who cannot be in Anchorage. We appreciate all of our conference
Sponsors! Please be sure to visit with them during the conference.
Conference Registration is Closed
Conference Information:
Preliminary Conference Program
Did You Register to Participate On-Line? See Instructions Here!
Conference Highlights
Best Management Practices (BMPs)
What Works? What Doesnt Work? What is Needed for
the Future? |
Current Winter Transportation Research
Projects |
Lunch - Round Table Discussion on
Future Issues |
Ice Road Safety
What Works? What Doesnt Work? What is Needed for
the Future? |
Ice Road Construction
What Works? What Doesnt Work? What is Needed for
the Future? |
Ending Panel Session: Facing Future
Arctic Transportation Issues |
Meeting Summary and Wrap-up |
Evening Networking Social - Sponsored
by |
/Travel Information:
All conference functions will be held at the Anchorage
Marriott. If you need to book a room or need other travel
information visit our Hotel/Travel
Additional Information:
Michael Lilly
Phone (907) 479-8891/Cell (907) 322-3008 /Fax: (907) 479-8893
E-mail: mlilly@gwscientific.com
News Coverage Provided by